The best Finnish ideas for STEM education are present at the Science on Stage 2022

At the Science on Stage festival in 24-27 March 2022, 450 European science teachers will work together to shape science education of the future. Finland will be represented by the best teachers who have been selected through the StarT-program. Follow the festival on social media #sons2024.

The three-day educational festival Science on Stage will take place from 24 to 27 March in Prague. 450 teachers from over 30 countries will come together to present and exchange their innovative teaching concepts in a fair, in workshops and in short lectures. From a symphony of atoms to the production of foils from starch and the usage of microcontroller in physics lessons, there will once again be a variety of practical teaching ideas from teachers for teachers. 

The delegates of Finland at the Science on Stage Festival 2022 are teachers and educators from Forssan kuvataidekoulu, Länsiharjun koulu and Taipalsaaren kirkonkylän koulun esiopetus. The delegates have been chosen as a part of the Finnish StarT program: the teachers convinced the jury with teaching practices that emphasize for example sustainable development, co-operation and multidisciplinary. Now they head for the international Science on Stage festival to inspire and enthuse colleagues from across Europe with their teaching ideas.

Teachers matter! They are the ones who can enthuse students for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and thereby prepare them for the future! At the 12th European Science on Stage festival 2022, hosted by Science on Stage Czechia in cooperation with Science on Stage Europe, the participating teachers will be given the right tools to do so.  

Particularly outstanding projects will receive the festival’s European STEM Teacher Award and will later be disseminated internationally as training courses or teaching materials. In this way, teachers reach thousands of students throughout Europe with their ideas encouraging them to consider a career in science, IT or engineering.

This year’s festival is under the patronage of Mariya Gabriel, Member of the European Commission, and is endorsed by the Czech Ministry of Education.

About Science on Stage 2022

Venue: Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Freyova 33, 190 00 Prague 9 ⁠⁠-⁠⁠ Vysočany, Czechia 

Open Day for the public: Saturday, 26 March, 10:00 – 17:00 

For media representatives: Please register at 

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