Register now for a climate change -themed virtual event for teachers and the youth

International climate education event Towards Sustainable Future Together – Forum for Future Makers is organized by The Science Education Centre (a part of national LUMA Centre Finland) and Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR).

The online event combines two of our yearly events which will be held online due to the coronavirus situation: Teachers’ Climate Change Forum’s Summer Camp for teachers (on August 4.-5.) and the Global Challenges Course for students aged 15–19 (on August 3.-4.). On August 4, joint activities will be organized for both the youth and the teachers.

The course for the youth will discuss the role of science in helping to solve issues connected to climate change. In the course, the participants will make a small learning project in teams to develop a solution to a global challenge, with the support of the university’s young scientists and under the guidance of teacher students.

During their virtual conference, teachers will hear about the most recent research on climate change and science education carried out in the University of Helsinki. Based on these, the theme of climate change education will be discussed – How to address climate change and global warming from pedagogically meaningful and diverse perspectives, but also pay attention in different beliefs and attitudes.

The topics are discussed in communal manner and the goal of the events is that the multidisciplinary network built during the event will continue also afterwards to be a forum, where teachers can share their ideas, experiences and skills.

The event is free of charge and open for everyone interested.

Read more and register on the website of the event.