The Science on Stage Festival 2024 will be held in Turku, Finland

The Science on Stage Festival is an international fair meant for STEAM teachers. At the festival, the attending teachers and educators share their educational ideas and meet colleagues from all over the world. This year, around 450 teachers from over 30 countries came together at Europe’s largest educational fair for science teachers in Prague, Czech Republic. The general assembly held simultaneously with the festival decided that the next Science on Stage Festival 2024 will be held in Turku, Finland.

At the Festival 2024, teachers of Finland can familiarize their-selves with their European colleagues’ ideas for a better STEM education: 40 teachers and educators from Finland will be given access to the Festival for the all four days. In addition, there will be held an open day when everyone is welcome to the fair and obtain new teaching ideas.

– We are very delighted for having a significant event like the Science on Stage Festival in Finland. We can learn from each other with interaction, comments Maija Aksela, director of LUMA Centre Finland -network.

The teachers’ teaching ideas and projects are the core of the fair. Furthermore, there will be workshops, experts giving lectures, demonstrations and the possibility to make a city tour at the festival. The Science on Stage organisation founded in 2000 is in charge of the event and it aims at improving science teaching and encouraging more schoolchildren to consider a career in science or engineering. Finland is presented by LUMA Centre Finland in the organisation.

Forssan kuvataidekoulu awarded with an honorary notion

This year, the Science on Stage festival was organized in Prague from 24 to 27 March. The delegates of Finland at the SonS Festival 2022 had been chosen as a part of the Finnish StarT program. The delegates are teachers and educators from from Forssan kuvataidekoulu, Länsiharjun koulu and Taipalsaaren kirkonkylän koulun esiopetus.

The project “Manufacture of drawing charcoal” by Forssan kuvataidekoulu was awarded with an honorary notion in the category STEM with Arts.The teacher Teija Lauronen and Maikku Aho from Forssan kuvataidekoulu enjoyed the Festival and obtained new teaching ideas as well as inspiration.

– The Festival was interesting and it gave new ideas for my job. The art teacher’s eyes spotted projects that could be utilized while making art, noted Lauronen.

Maikku Aho and Teija Lauronen at their stand.

The delegates of Finland presented their innovative teaching concepts in a fair and in workshops. You can read more about them from our earlier post.